Archive | October 2019

“Living Under the Correct Covenant” by Creflo Dollar Part 4

The first part of this message is a paraphrased quote from Creflo Dollar’s teaching “Living Under the Correct Covenant” Part 4, and the next part is what God gave me from listening to part of the teaching.

It’s time to STOP pointing fingers and blaming people who you think caused your life to be messed up, and get a relationship with Jesus, and ALLOW Him to straighten your life out!! Creflo Dollar

Holding onto unforgiveness is keeping YOU in bondage; most times those people you blame for messing up your life, don’t have a clue they did anything to you, they have passed on, or know and just don’t care!! You cannot continue to live in bondage to those thoughts; turn that stuff over to God and He will help you forgive, and release those people from your soul!!

I know about being hurt at an early age by my parents, and it continued on throughout my adult life, with seven abusive marriages, betrayal, after betrayal by people who I thought were my Friends, mostly in the Church, betrayed by Pastors, my Family, etc. The majority of my life, I have lived in one pain after the next; the last major betrayal was in 2014, which I just wanted to die – I prayed to God for Him to take my life it was soooo bad!! It was like my heart was being ripped out of my chest!! It took me really up unto last year to get over that thing!! When I wanted to give up, God would not allow me to; Holy Spirit was pushing me from the inside out – giving me the strength to go on!!

Thank God He didn’t allow me to die; thank God Holy Spirit was giving me inner strength to go on; thank God that Jesus carried me when I was too weak to walk on my own!! God is the reason I am here today; God did this – God brought me out of that horrible pit of depression, and put NEW life in me, and gave me a will to live!! I owe God my life, and I give it to Him FREELY FOREVER!!

I don’t normally give my testimony, and this is a very, very small part of where God has brought me from, but this is what I feel God wants me to share now; someone needs to hear this!!

For so very long I was angry with my parents, especially my Mom, for abandoning me when I was around 2 years old; I felt neglected and unwanted!! But thank God for my Great, Great Grandmother, Lula McGrady, the one God told me in 2007 to name my Nonprofit after!! She took me in loved me, and raised me until I was 17 years old, and I moved from GA to FL to be with my Father! Grandmother Lula was my Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, was EVERYTHING to me!!

During those years after I moved to FL, I was hurt by a lot of people, including my parents even after I left GA, but God softened my heart for them; God let me knew they had issues themselves and they loved me the best way they could. I found out that people who we expect to love us, and they hurt us, they are not capable of loving us because they have issues themselves, and when we put pressure (they see it as being pressured) on them to love us, they act out even more – they don’t know how to love, nor know how to be responsible for someone else!

I kept marrying to find love, looking to people who I thought were my Friends for love, looking to Family, Church, and running here and there (carrying ALL that baggage from my early childhood) but could not find love – I search everywhere!! But I didn’t run to God; didn’t know God loved me – no strings attached!! I didn’t know I didn’t have to search for love, because God had loved me before I was born, He loved me when I was not thinking about Him, when I didn’t know Him!! Jesus died for me because He loved me; I didn’t have to make God love me, He loved me because He is my Father!! WOW!! What am AMAZING moment when I realized, God loved me!! And He wanted me to come to Him just like I was; God wanted me to stop running, and allow Him to heal me from the inside out!! God wanted a relationship with me, but I was too broken to see in; God ALWAYS had been with me but I didn’t know it!!

That’s what God wants for you; He loves you and wants a relationship with you and to heal you from the inside out!! Will you say yes to God, by accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior right now? If you are born again already, do you have an intimate relationship with God? If you have backsilden, come home, God is waiting on you – Jesus has His arms opened wide to receive you!!

Now I know, I am loved by my Father God, and I now believe my Mother and natural Father, loved me too, they showed me the best way they could – they are both gone, and I miss them VERY MUCH😪😪!! I thank God for reconciling me to them – my Mother before she passed, and my Father after he passed – God helped me forgive them both!!

God has done a 360 degree turn around in my life; I have no bitterness in my heart against anyone who ever hurt me!! ALL glory goes to God, BUT I had to make a CHOICE to forgive everyone – forgiveness is a CHOICE, not a FEELING!!

Of course it was hard but the more I begin to listen to the Word, desiring a deeper relationship with God, allowing the love of God to transform me from the inside out, allowing Holy Spirit to take out the bitterness, and fill me with His Gifts, and guide me, I begin to see a difference in my life, the people I could not stand to be around, I begin to behave differently around them – I didn’t mind being around them!!

That’s Holy Spirit doing, cleaning my soul, changing old behaviors, from the inside out!! And me working with Holy Spirit by transforming my mind with the Word; I have to take time from everything else, and spend time in the Word, go to Church and listen to the Word, spend time with God!!

Once we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, instantly our spirit man is regenerated, but not our soul!! It’s up to us to renew our minds (soul which house our mind, will, emotions), with the Word of God, so the soul can come into agreement with the Holy Spirit living in our spirit man, and then the body will follow!

If you need a physical healing (you already healed by Jesus’ stripes in the spirit realm), to manifest your healing in your body, your soul MUST come into agreement with your spirit man (Holy Spirit), your soul MUST be convinced through the Word, that you are healed, which causes it to see itself as God see it – healed and restored – this is your real identity in Christ, you ARE the healed and restored of the Lord!! Jesus HAS ALREADY carried away from you, sin, sickness, disease, infirmities, pain, sorrow, guilt, shame, and EVERYTHING else that comes to steal, kill, and destroy from you or your Family!! YOU have authority to open your mouth and rebuke the devil, don’t sit passively by and allow the devil to destroy you!! If you have accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, the only power the devil has over you is what YOU give him!! KICK him OUT your life!!

I am soooo very thankful to God, for the Place of Worship He has assigned me to, Lisbon Church, and my Leaders Bishop Gary Greer, and Cheri Greer!! I am learning so much!! I thank God for all the other avenues of learning God has given me too, like being able to attend Pastor Pat Lawerence’s Church, Living Grace, on Tuesday nights, right now we are studying, “Spirit, Soul, and Body” by Andrew Wommack (here is Andrew’s site that has that teaching:, and I am listening to Pastor Creflo Dollar’s teachings on Grace and the Covenants! I am saturating my soul with the Word, and allowing Holy Spirit to work in me!!

I also thank God for all the other Ministries and Leaders where I have been, all the way back to when I was a child growing up in Church!! No experience I have ever gone through, good or bad, is a waste; God has turned all that stuff around that was bad, for my good, and is now using it all, to help others!!

This is just a snippet of my life; of where God has brought me from and still bringing me through things – as they say, “I have left the station, but have not arrived!!” As you see, I know pain, betrayal, deception, and bitterness which is the principality (root cause) of unforgiveness (check out the teaching on “Principality of Bitterness” by Dr. Art Mathias, taken from his book, with his permission, “Biblical Foundations of Freedom Destroying Satan’s Lies With God’s Truth!”

If Holy Spirit has brought someone to your mind as you were reading this that you need to forgive, do it. Whatever you are doing stop and forgive that person; God has already forgiven you, because Jesus took all your sins, upon Himself and delivered you from death (wages of sin is death)!!

God is NOT mad at you, He loves you and wants you TOTALLY free in your mind (soul) – you are free because of Jesus but as long as you decide to hold onto unforgiveness, you are holding your own self in bondage! Let them go! No, you are not excusing what they done, it was horrible, you are freeing yourself – remember, God has forgiven you because Jesus loved you so much, He died so you could live, so forgive your Brother, Sister, or who ever else you need to forgive!

Make a decision that this is the day, October 30, 2019, you are going to let go of old grudges, and allow Holy Spirit to saturate your being with the love of God; allow Holy Spirit to take all that STUFF out of your soul, as YOU surrender to Him, by FIRST surrendering to Jesus, and diving into the Word, so your mind (soul) can transformed so you can learn who your Heavenly Father is, who Jesus is, who Holy Spirit is, and who you are!! ALL things ARE possible with God, IF YOU only believe – believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you SHALL be saved!!

God’s Blessings to you and your Families!!

We MUST KNOW Our Covenant!!

It is VERY important for us as born again believers in Jesus Christ (have ACCEPTED Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior AND ALLOWING Holy Spirit to work in us, to change us from the inside out) to KNOW which covenant we live under today!! We must do as 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

God has really opened my eyes to the truth of His grace, and how grace and the law contrast, in these teachings on grace by Pastor Creflo Dollar!! But it started in my Church, Lisbon Church, where Bishop Gary L Greer is the Pastor!!

In Sunday school (9am Sunday mornings) and Wednesday night Bible study (2nd & 4th Wednesday night @ 7:15p of the month – fellowship is a 6:30p to eat together), Minister Kirk Peterson and Susan Peterson, teaches us about grace and our rights as a New Covenant Christian!!

And those teachings mixed with Bishop Gary’s teachings, has really opened my eyes, and continue to do so, of who God is, what Jesus HAS done, the role of Holy Spirit in my life after I accepted Jesus, and who I am!! WOW!! Thank You Father!! Thank you Bishop Gary, Ministers Kirk & Sue, and Pastor Creflo!!

Since God is setting me free, I want you all to be free!! KNOWING that I don’t have to perform for God to love me, heal me, bless me, prosper me, or anything else, Ana that I am no longer under a curse, generational or any other kind, but that I am under generational blessings, because of the promise God made with Abraham (Galatians 3:29) that it’s already done through Jesus, it is soooooooo very freeing!!

All I have to do is BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ, and ALL His FINISHED works; I REST in what Jesus HAS ALREADY done for me!! God HAS ALREADY GIVEN (don’t have to earn it – Jesus took care of it for me!!) me EVERYTHING I need pertaining to life and godliness, so I can live in this world, in His peace, not allowing ANYTHING to trouble me!!

Therefore, I WILL NOT ALLOW my heart to be troubled or afraid, because I trust and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am saved!! I AM God’s beloved, and He loves me unconditionally; God is faithful to me, and Holy Spirit is working in me, changing me from the inside out!!

I pray as you listen to these teachings by Pastor Dollar, God will open your eyes to His truth of Grace; His truth of Christ!!

As born again believers in Jesus Christ, we are no longer under the Law of Moses (the Covenant of the Law) – it is invalid for us!!

First, the Law of Moses was a covenant God made between Himself and the Jewish people (a covenant He made with man) – it was not a covenant for Gentiles!!

Second, the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ; it was given so man could see he needed a Savior, he could not do things on his own – it was our guardian until Christ came, so we could be justified by faith, but now people who are born again do not need it – the law reminds you of your sins and keeps you sinning (Galatians 3:24-25; Galatians 5:1; Romans 7:6)!

The Law showed men their sins, but did not give them a solution to their sin (Romans 5:20; 7:7-25)! As a matter of fact, the Law strengthens sin (1 Corinthians 15:56)!

The Law of Moses was a performance based law; IF the Jewish people would do this, THEN God would do that – it was a law of works!! But they could not keep the Ten Commandments, so no way was they going to be able to keep 613 Commandments – if they broke one, they were guilty of them all, and they would be cursed (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 shows blessings IF they obeyed God FULLY, and Deuteronomy 28:15-68 shows the curses that would come upon them if they did not FULLY obey God)!!

Is this something you really want to try to live by?

When you try to keep the Commandments of the Law of Moses, after you have been born again, you are putting yourself back under the bondage Jesus died to free you from; bondage of Deuteronomy 28:15-68!!Jesus FULFILLED EVERY requirement of the Law of Moses and freed mankind from it and all those curses, and the consequences that were attached to those curses – vs 61 says sickness and disaster was a consequence of not FULLY obeying the Law of Moses!!

Freedom in Christ is available for all mankind NOW!! But you MUST accept Jesus as your personal Lord And Savior, for the New Covenant, the Covenant of Grace, to be activated in your life!!

Jesus has made provisions for you so you can be a part of the Covenant of Grace, but you have to make Him Lord of your life, by giving your life to Him!!

Under the New Covenant, Covenant of Grace, God made a covenant not with man, but with Jesus!! In Jesus fulfilling all requirements of the Law of Moses, He also took care of the consequences in Deuteronomy 28:15-68, of not keeping all 613 Commandments of the Law, which was considered sin. In doing so, Jesus HAS delivered, healed, and restored us from sickness, disease, infirmities, pain, and any other thing that came from not keeping the commandments; that was under the cursed!!

Now, Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the Law of Moses, by becoming a curse for us (Galatians 3:13)!! As I said, we who has accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, are no longer in bondage, trying to keep 613 Commandments, and failing miserably!! Jesus has given us His righteousness, and taken away our sin, sickness, disease, infirmities, pain, sorrow, condemnation, guilt, shame, and ALL other things that would EVER come to steal, kill, or destroy us!! That’s why the Word says No weapon formed against us shall prosper!! GREATER is He, God our Father, the Trinity, than he that is in the world!!

The Father has given us eternal life through His Son Jesus (1 John 5:11-13; 1 John 2:25) – eternal life ONLY comes through accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior!! Jesus has bought us with His precious Blood; we belong to Him – He and Holy Spirit, our Comforter and sooooooooo much more, lives in us, along with Father – the are three but one, they are the Godhead, the Trinity, Who will NEVER, EVER leave or forsake us!! God will NEVER condemn us; Jesus took care of everything for us, all we have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we SHALL be saved, us and our household!!

Plus, as I said, if you are not Jewish, the Law of Moses does not apply to you anyway!! But the Law of Moses is still valid today for the sinner; for people who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Lord And Savior!! It’s valid so they will see that they cannot live life without God; they NEED a Savior, and His name is Jesus!!

God does NOT want people to perish, so He will give everyone a chance to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, before they leave this world!! God is a GOOD Father; He loves us unconditionally!! He is a just God!! So there is NO way that God will not give every person in this world, an opportunity for him or her to accept Jesus, before he or she closes his or her eyes, for the last time!!

Have you accepted Jesus as YOUR personal Lord and Savior? If not, why not do it now? Why not ask Jesus to come into your heart, and be the Lord of your life? Have you backslid? That’s okay, God is not mad at you, so come back home!! Holy Spirit will tell you what to say!! God loves you, and He will never leave you or forsake you!! God see you righteous still, because he sees His Son Jesus’ righteousness, when He looks at you!! God does not keep a record of your wrong doing!! Your conscious will try to tell you He does, but He doesn’t!! Your conscious will make you feel guilty and condemn you! But don’t let it; God has already forgiven you – Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection made that possible!! God will not hold you guilty, because Jesus has freed you; He died and God forgave you!! Therefore, come home, and live the abundant life Jesus died so you could live!!

God’s Blessings to you all!!

We Are Righteous Because of Jesus!!

Shame is more than being guilty about what you’ve done it says, “This is who I am!” If you think like this, you’ve allowed that bad behavior to determine your identity, instead of maintaining your identity in Christ and in His righteousness! When you maintain your identity in Christ, it will change your bad behavior! But if you walk around in shame, there are a lot of things you will not accomplish! And you will continue that bad behavior, because that is who you THINK you are!!

Creflo Dollar

Colossians 2:13-15 AMPC – And you who were dead in trespasses and – Bible Gateway

And you who were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh (your sensuality, your sinful carnal nature), [God] brought to life
— Read on